That energy, that knowing, I know it deeply.
No matter who agrees, no matter if it fits this sick society. I know in my heart, I know in my soul. I love, I love you.
It is easy to have faith, it is easy to trust when everything is going right, when everything is easy, and every want is fulfilled.
But when things go left, then it is easy to drown yourself in sorrow, in doubt, to let the mind control my being, instead of letting my spirit take the wheel.
And hear the world that says, this is toxic, this is wrong, that is how it is supposed to be, love is this, not that. Who truly knows? we are wrapped up in our own beliefs, who dictates our hearts?
Me, me, I dictate my heart. And I know, in dark, in light, in pause, in movement, I know.
So, love is to me, what I decide to feel. Love is the source and the end of it all. In one drop I see you, I feel part of you, you are part of me, and the cosmos speaks.