Can I give you Feedback?

Photo: Ann H-Pexels
Photo: Ann H-Pexels

The dreaded Feedback…I bet you have been the recipient of some feedback, most likely at work, or perhaps in another circumstance.

When at work though, is it me or does it always feel like you are about to be dismantled, dismembered, examined…and at the end, be given more of a criticism, than a "feedback".

It is believed that feedback should cause the recipient to improve, that is, to perform better at the job.

But the thing is, to improve and to inspire improvement in someone else takes a lot more than telling them what to do or telling it like it is. The moment the communication is addressed from the giver´ s point of view, without taking into account the recipient's perspective or disposition, communication turns into a one-way street.

Also, there is a big difference between feedback and plain criticism…which is negative. Most people seem to have lost that awareness though, and in nowadays work environments, is thrown left to right and misused just to actually criticize somebody´ s work.

True feedback sees through it all, sees the good and the not so good and leaves the recipient inspired and motivated to actually make a change, an improvement, which is supposed to be the intention, after all.

At least, that is how I have experienced it. Hope you have had received a true feedback. If you had, that other person truly cares...they are not many, but they are out there and they know how much power and responsibility they carry, by truly caring for someone else.


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